Hello one and all to Bash 101.
It is a Friday night so we can playfully call this video Linux After Dark.
We are going to cover the a portion of a batch file I did in Windows earlier this week. We are going to explore this from the Bash side of things.
We are not going to get the same results but hopefully we might get some useful information that we can put to use.
This is a list of the commands an scripts that were mentioned.
uname It tells me I'm on Linux.
uname -n It tells me the name of the system I'm on.
uname -v It tells me the Linux derivative and time stamp.
uname -r It tells me Kernel information.
uname -m It tells me processor information
uname -a It tells me the cumulative info mentioned before
ls List
cd Documents Change directory to Documents
pwd This shows the working directory
sudo lshw Shows info on some of the hardware on the system
sudo lshw -short Shows system hardware in a structured way.
sudo lshw -short -C memory RAM info
lsusb It tells me USB info on the system
lsusb -v More orderly USB info.
lspci It gives alot of info on the many controllers on a system
lspci -v More orderly info about the controllers
lspci -t It gives some numeric values: Not sure about this.
lscpu It tells me about vulnerabilities
free A short list of info on the system RAM
free -m A shorter version of the RAM info
lsblk It gives info on the HDDs
lsblk -a More HDD info
sudo fdisk -l More HDD info
history A breakdown of the commands used today